Padres & Red Sox

Submitted by: Ms. Dajuba


Jarren Duran27MajorsCFLow559.825.83427.23440.8
Bryan Mata24MinorsSP0000.80.60.81

Total Value:


Red Sox

Robby Snelling20MinorsSP00025.720.625.730.9
Dillon Head18MinorsOF0008.97.18.910.6

Total Value:



Sorry about the car accident. The obvious head injury you sustained must have been massive.

General Manager Badge
Robbie Hyde

What a great contribution to this conversation. Wonderful.


Sorry about the snarky response. The proposed trade was so preposterous that I got out of hand. Duran is not that good a player. I don’t care how many years of control a team would have with him. Even if it was 10 years, no way a GM is going to give up any of their top 15 prospects for him. Even AJ Preller. Well, maybe him.

SD ❤️

Why would the Padres trade 2 of their best prospects for an unproven bad pitcher who isn't even a lefty? Think about the other team you're trading with because this only benefits the Red Sox. The only reason this is featured is because of how bad it is. Please stick to the Red Sox and leave the Padres stuff to us.

General Manager Badge

They'd be trading them for 5 years of Duran. Mata is a throw-in, and can be ignored.

General Manager Badge
Ms. Dajuba

Correct, and for immediate help to the club which is in contention for a title run, for two prospects at least 2 years away. As far as Mata (.8) goes, I’d be willing to swap him out for LH RP Chris Murphy (1.8). And you may be right, it may of gotten featured because of how bad it is but more likely it was because I happened to post a trade with Duran to the Padres on the same day the Padres were featured in an article about them checking in with the Red Sox on the availability of Duran.

SD ❤️

Sorry for being a little mean in my original comment. It's just my frustration as a Padres fan because of their disappointing 2023 season and their 2024 offseason (so far). If the Padres were to trade top prospects, I would be okay with moving Lesko or any other prospect not named Salas, Thorpe, Merill, Snelling, or Zavala if the package was for lefty outfielders, a power-hitting 1st base/DH bat, or a proven starter (preferably a southpaw but really good righty would do) I would also be okay with trading Kim. So maybe try another trade package with them?


Duran is a lefty outfielder and has 5 years of control gonna have to give up someone like Lesko

General Manager Badge
Robbie Hyde

“Sorry for being a little mean” nah man. Instead of just saying sorry, how about just analyze a trade from a non-bias point of view? This is why so many trades get downvoted on here because people are only thinking of their side.


Your response is rather confusing to me. Why is Mata that big of a deal in this trade? Mata deserves a higher ranking, but he keeps getting hurt. The RS are not gutting the Padres' farm system. Duran is a burner. You are clearly expecting too much for your proscepts. Yes, I am a Red Sox fan.

SD ❤️

I would rather have a lefty SP, another left OF, or a power-hitting 1st base DH bat like Casas than Mata and I don't wanna give up Snelling as I said above. You can take Lesko or Irirate or any other prospect not named Salas, Thorpe, Merill, Snelling, or Zavala but no on Snelling as he is one of our only lefty pitching prospects. If the Padres were to trade top prospects, I would be okay with moving Lesko or any other prospect not named Salas, Snelling, or Zavala if the package was for lefty outfielders, a power-hitting 1st base/DH bat, or a proven starter (preferably a southpaw but really good righty would do) I would also be okay with trading Kim.


1. Mata has a value under 1 while casas has a value over 50.... i think every team would rather get 5 years of casas then 6 years of Mata. if you think your gonna trade for duran and casas expect talks to start with Salas and snelling


Think about what you are saying you want a good Mlb player in Duran 120 wRc+ last szn and has 5 years of control whos a lefty OF so a fits what your asking for but then are really saying the only prospect your willing to trade is Lesko and irirate. and you then mention you would rather have Casas than a player like mata...

SD ❤️

No, I meant if the Padres do trade for Duran and Casas, I would be okay with giving up Merill, Lesko, Thorpe, etc because it fills SD's needs.


Ok that makes more sense i just misunderstood what you were saying my bad

SD ❤️

How about de vries merill lesko iriarte and/or thorpe for duran, casas, pivetta, abreu and rafaela

SD ❤️

I'll also throw in a MLB player if you want


i really like that package for the sox tbh only thing is De vries assuming he stays as SS might be blocked by mayer but we could move him to 3rd and move raffy to 1st to replace casas


Wait i reallllllllllllllyyyyy like this because the sox postion players are good and this adds young pitchers in Lesko and Iriarte (thrope would be to much imo) and Merill could play 3rd Rn and still allow mayer to play SS devers slides to 1st. and in a few years when De vries is ready he could play 2nd, 3rd or SS.i think the sox would say yes.

SD ❤️

Would they still say yes if they include jansen and/or yoshida because IMO this kinda destroys the Padres farm system


Yeah they would they want to trade Jansen and they were taking calls on Yoshida

Red Sox 0224

I dont think this makes any sense from the Redsox Point of view, the Redsox are suppossed to be building a sustainable young winning team, but are also trying to get competitive a the MLB level, so i dont get why would the Redsox even think on trading Casas for prospects, without taking into account that this trade would be sustracting 3 MLB ready outfielders. The players that i see expendable from that group is Duran and Pivetta, Duran because the Redsox have a lefty heavy lineup and have plenty of OF talent coming through the minor league system and Pivetta because even if this would affect the Redsox in the 2024 season, Pivetta just would be a rental and i dont think the Redsox would be interested in bringing him back.

Red Sox 0224

I do think the initial trade should not include the SD top pitching prospect on Snelling, because of early inconsistency in Duran´s career but i think a guy like Lesko and maybe a lower level prospect should make sense for both sides. Both teams sustracting talent from areas of strength, In SD case in the next 2 - 3 yrs can have a rotation of Musgrove, Darvish, King, Snelling and Thorpe, and The Redsox have plenty of OF talent with guys like Rafaela, Anthony, Bleis, Abreu and others


The Padres aren't trading a top SP that is on track to start this year for a poor fielding non prospect just because he's hit for a few months well and has 5 years of control. The Padres won't trade Lesko, Snelling or Thorpe here. They won't deal Merrill or Salas (obviously). I have a hard time believing they'd deal much more than Iriarte or Zavala here tbh. A lot of the Padres prospects not valued very high on here are more coveted internally. I could see them dealing ONE of Head, Iriarte or Zavala maybe and other depth pieces. The Padres would be better served just signing Pham or Eddie Rosario and keeping their prospects if they have to deal much more than that. Hard to see the Padres dealing from their pitching depth - as that sass their focus the entire off season.

SD ❤️

That's what I'm saying, great take!


I doubt the padres are interested in moving snelling, particularly considering he will likely be starting down the stretch, and the in house options of marsee Merrill and pauley are much higher ceiling than Duran, as much as a left handed outfielder would be nice, I just think from a win now pov (preller pov) a snelling for Duran isn’t justifieable padres side (would be nice for the Red Sox with their lack of quality pitching prospects outside of bello and surplus of quality hitting prospects)