
Which teams have the strongest farm systems? Which ones have the weakest? And how do our organizational rankings differ from, say, Baseball America or MLB Pipeline? First, our list represents a cross-section – a weighted average derived from public outlets. To our knowledge, we’re the only ones doing this. Second, our model is based, as you would expect, on the trade value of each prospect. Because of that, there may be differences in the calculations based on the weightings...

If you’re a serious baseball fan, you’ve probably seen a few farm system rankings from major outlets like Baseball America and Fangraphs. Here at BTV, we use our valuation estimates to do similar lists – to rank each system by trade value. It’s a way to assess how much prospect capital each team’s front office has to work with in their portfolio. We look at it two ways: first, a list based on each team’s top 30 prospects, which shows us a deep perspective...
- AngelsAstrosAthleticsBlue JaysBottom 50BrewersCardinalsCubsDiamondbacksDodgersExplaining valuationsFAQsFarm system rankingsGiantsGuardiansIndiansJuly 2019June 2019Least ValuableMarinersMarlinsMetsNationalsNon-tendersOffseasonOriolesPadresPhilliesPiratesRangersRaysRed SoxRedsRockiesRoster RevampRoyalsScorecardTeamsTigersTrade DeadlineTwinsUncategorizedValuing the trade chipsWhite SoxYankees