
If you’re a GM, this is the list you don’t want to have your players on. According to our calculations, the following 50 players have the least amount of trade value right now – or, put another way, the most amount of negative value. These are not necessarily bad players; they’re players whose contracts are bigger than their projected field value. Not surprisingly, the common thread here is that most of them are older and past their prime. Only eight of these 50...
- AngelsAstrosAthleticsBlue JaysBottom 50BrewersCardinalsCubsDiamondbacksDodgersExplaining valuationsFAQsFarm system rankingsGiantsGuardiansIndiansJuly 2019June 2019Least ValuableMarinersMarlinsMetsNationalsNon-tendersOffseasonOriolesPadresPhilliesPiratesRangersRaysRed SoxRedsRockiesRoster RevampRoyalsScorecardTeamsTigersTrade DeadlineTwinsUncategorizedValuing the trade chipsWhite SoxYankees