
In the interest of transparency, it’s time for an update on how the BTV model is doing this offseason relative to real-life trades -- with one caveat: A.J. Preller. Our model assumes most GMs will act rationally, and seek to get the best overall value possible in a deal, just as in most other walks of life, which means most deals are pretty close to fair. But we also know that’s not always the case. GMs have different motivations depending on where they are in the win cycle, and...

Even though the 2019 summer trade season has ended, we’ll continue to keep track of each real-life trade and compare it to our values and see how they match up. We’ll plug them into our simulator and see if they’re “accepted,” “maybe accepted” or “rejected” based on how close the values are, and update this frequently. Our scorecard so far: Total trades: 48 Accepted: 37 Maybe accepted: 5 Rejected: 6 Percentage of real trades qualified as...
- AngelsAstrosAthleticsBlue JaysBottom 50BrewersCardinalsCubsDiamondbacksDodgersExplaining valuationsFAQsFarm system rankingsGiantsGuardiansIndiansJuly 2019June 2019Least ValuableMarinersMarlinsMetsNationalsNon-tendersOffseasonOriolesPadresPhilliesPiratesRangersRaysRed SoxRedsRockiesRoster RevampRoyalsScorecardTeamsTigersTrade DeadlineTwinsUncategorizedValuing the trade chipsWhite SoxYankees